Tuesday, June 23, 2015

When the Father Steps on the scene....

So my oldest son plays baseball and his father coaches the baseball team that He plays for (such a lucky kid☺️) and last night they had a very important game. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it but before Isaiah left the house I reminded him that he was going to do well and that I would be there in spirit. Around 10pm I said to myself, wait this is late why aren't they home so I called Lamont to see where they were. He informed me that they lost the game but as the coach he was ok. I sat on the bed & prepared myself for Zay because I know he's coming into his own & has developed his father's competitiveness when it comes to sports and will be very disappointed. He came up the stairs and I heard the despair in his footsteps. He walked by my room and I said "come here son". He looked at me with sad eyes & said "mommy we lost and I don't want to really talk."  I called him in the room anyway. He came in, I looked him in his eyes and said "you will always be a Champion and to me you have won." He tried to smile but a small tear fell down his face. I let him go to his room. He showered and got ready for bed. He tossed and turned for a good 20 mins, I heard him in there wrestling to go to sleep. At that moment I was in the bathroom, I heard Lamont walk down the hallway to his room and started talking. like a creep I peeped out the door to listen lol. I heard him say "you played a good game son! You played a really good game. That makes you a winner! Don't be upset or get fretful you are now a better player than you were last season & that makes you a winner!!" Isaiah reached out and touched his father's hand with his head, I guess as a way of saying thank you and then he laid down. He fell asleep within minutes. You know why??? Because The Father stepped in on the scene.  

You have to think about every situation you are toiling with, every obstacle the devil has put in your way, every trial you have been facing......it will change INSTANTANEOUSLY when The Father steps in on the scene. It's in those moments, those midnight hours when we can no longer deal with what we are going through. It's those moments that the FINAL AUTHORITY will show up and show up and every demonic force in your life must flee. Fathers be attentive to your children as your Heavenly Father is attentive to you! #ItsSomethingAboutTheFather #WhenHeShowsUp #HeShowsOut #iLoveDemBoys #DemRadcliffBoys #FatherYourSons

Monday, June 22, 2015

Public Enemy #1

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Today I have something to share: 

I tried to look up the words "Public Enemy" as a phrase and it's not necessarily found in the dictionary written that way, you're better off looking it up separately. However, I came across the phrase as I was googling a definition and somewhere it said " someone or something that many people do not like or approve of."  
I thought wow! Ok God! I see why this post had to be titled Public Enemy #1. 

See, a few days ago I was placed in a situation where someone blatantly lied on me and it brought sheer chaos to my life. I mean the lack of sleep, migraine headache, racing thoughts type of chaos. It bothered me so much that I was brought to tears by it. I questioned myself and everything around me as to how this one person could say one thing (the lie) and bring about so much turmoil and destruction. It saddened me because of course it hurts being lied on but it hurts even more when your character is attacked and all you can really do is sit back and wait for God to rectify the situation. 

Hear me out, I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT GOD IS GOING TO RECTIFY THIS because He said to "touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm" but He also told me that vengennce was His and not mine so I really have to sit back and wait if I want to do it the right way. I learned a valuable lesson because if this was some years ago, well even some months ago I wouldn't have done that. I'm learning now to trust God more than I ever had. 

The greatest lesson that I did learn was that this was a spiritual attack. Anything that brings about chaos and confusion is of the enemy and I am a threat to him. I am public enemy #1 in his eyes because every time I profess Christ, every time I seek God or win a soul I bring damage to his kingdom. So guess what? He doesn't approve of my life style as a Christian  nor does he like me and will do anything to change that. 

Know that if you have made a conscious decision to live for Christ, no matter how many times you have fallen, how many mistakes you have made, no matter how many times you may have "thought" you were defeated, you made a choice to live for him and you have now become a target. 

See the assignment was sent to destroy me because he tried to destroy my reputation by giving me a bad name amongst men BUT God has already called me 'CHOSEN/BLESSED/FAVORED/LOVED/ROYAL/BEAUTIFUL/His Daughter/HEIR TO THE THRONE..........those are my God given titles and No man on earth can change that. They persecuted Jesus and called him all types of fakes and phonies but He only answered to the name His father gave him which was "Son of God." 
You may be battling something right now and it seems like all hell is breaking loose in your life but I dare you to stop right where you are, take a deep breath and speak to who you really are. You Public Enemy to the kingdom of darkness BUT you are CHOSEN to the Kingdom of Christ! 
Walk in your God given right and NEVER give up the good fight of faith. Christ died so that you might live and declare the works of the Lord. 

I refuse to bow to this situation because I know that soon enough my enemies will be my footstools. Be encouraged and know that even now He is working it out on your behalf.  

This is a true story........