I read once that said, "A broken heart is like having broken ribs. Nobody can see it but it hurts every time you breathe." I could have screamed out loud when I read that because I was able to identofy with it too well. I knew what it was like to have my heart broken and love ripped from under me like a rug. I knew what it was like to have hopes, dreams and future aspirations snatched from me because of one decision, that someone else made, and ultimately took what I thought was real from me.
When Whitney Houston released the song, "Where do Broken Hearts Go," in Februaury of 1988, I was a mere 8 years old. I knew nothing about love, relationships or boys.......I knew much about nothing because I was 8 years old and nothing else in the world mattered than the dolls that I played with and what sweets I could consume after dinner. This song would become one of Whitney's top hits and stay on the charts for quite some time. Here I am, 25 years later, this song would become a reality to me, so much that I would write a blog about it to ease the pain and quench what felt like my soul was burning from. I would write about it because it eased the pain, it made me see how the heart was so precious, so much that God would forewarn us to, "guard your heart because out of it flows the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23. I never thought that heart break would be one of the things that God would forewarn me from, I never thought that it could be me because to me, LOVE was the very perfect thing that I was SURE that I knew.
Where do Broken Hearts Go? Broken hearts go to God, the only person and place that can heal them because "The Lord is near to the broken hearted," because, "He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds," because His "grace is sufficient for you and His power made perfect in weakness..." BECAUSE... HE SAID "Come to me all you are heavy laden and I will give you rest."
He has given us a blueprint on how to come from being broken hearted and He has instructed us on what He would do to deliver us. He has all the answers and all we have to do is trust in Him that what He says that He will do, He will really do it.
Where do broken hearts go? They go into the arms of God, the secret place, where there is freedom, there is protection, there is comfort and most of all, there is LOVE and as we know, Love is perfected in HIM!!
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