Saturday, February 4, 2017

A soft answer........

I think every woman will be able to identify with this next statement:



However, so I thought.

See I'm struggling to even share this story but as you know when God gives me a word I have to share it. So here goes

My husband and I had a disagreement and like always I had to send him a text message even THE NEXT DAY because I still had a point to prove. This time I was really going off. Hitting so many points and things I was "justified" in saying. I noticed the first (set), yes set of messages, he didn't respond and of course that made me even more upset so I sent another round (gosh this sounds bad lol),  I felt so much better the last message because I bared my soul in what I was saying. As I hit send, I waited for the little bubbles to pop up in the iMessagewithnhis respons......... now I see that he's responding, I'm anxious, thinking of what he's going to say about my message and few seconds later the message comes through and it read:


Wait...........WHAT??? PERO DASSITTT???? I love you???? Did he see what I just wrote?? How upset I was? How my feelings hurt? Did he say that I was trying my best to make him feel how I feel? Hurt how I was hurt? (Go back and read that again).

BUT DID HE SEE????????????????????????????????

And just like a gush of wind, it hit me..........."I love you". Tears welled up in my eyes. He didn't want to fight as much as I didn't want to fight and I allowed my emotions to control my actions. "I Love You". It wasn't a saving grace, it wasn't a you won kind of thing, "I love you," because this isn't worth losing you.

The Bible says in Proverbs 15:1 "a soft answer turns away wrath but grevious words stir up answer".
It's not always, if ever, really worh the fight sometimes it's best to end it with a simple "you're right" or "thank you but I'm not taking that today". This wasn't just for this area in my life but God was showing me for every area in my life choose the "soft approach". The problem with me is I ALWAYS choose the soft answer. I always brush things off and give people their way so I felt justified but what He wanted me to see was, the battle is NEVER mine, it's HIS *insert praise break* and if I could just trust Him and let go of what I'm "feeling"  then He can work it out for me.

My husband saying I love you was bigger than that, it was His faith that allowed him to walk away from making a decision to combat what I said, potentially ending with both of us being hurt.  He made a decision to choose right and that over-ride anything that I did that was not right (uuuuugggghhhh lol).

 God has this remarkable way of doing things. He has this way of opening up our eyes in areas that we don't expect  but He does it because He cares so much for us. Take a moment and think about all He times that you could have used a soft word to end a disagreement. Now think about this: Was it worth it?

Until we meet again, God's peace, blessings and love I leave with you.

This Is A True Story.....................


  1. This is Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! I need the "soft answer" anointing in my life!


    1. Sis you know you I was like REALLY GOD! I gotta share this lol but it blessed me as well. I'm thankful to Him for allowing me to be the vessel. Love you ❤️

    2. LOL! God is funny like that sis! But it is a beautiful feeling to know the Lord loves you enough to speak to you, to make you better! Thank you for yielding to the will of the Lord!
