Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The bane of my existence...........

In November of 2013, I became a new mom again, for the third time.  To some people that may sound a lot while to some, it sounds like the perfect family; however, to myself.......it sounds like the process of God's will for my life working itself out.

With a new baby comes all the glorious things like changing loads of pampers, feeding as well as washing the bottles that you feed the baby with.  I found myself saying the other day, "washing and sterilizing baby bottles have become the bane of my existence."  I chuckled to myself once I said it and thought about how many times a day I wash and sterilize bottles.  I make sure that whatever goes into my son's mouth must be clean, fresh and lack impurity.  No matter how many children I have I will never get use to them getting "dirty" nor will I ever be able to stomach them likening their food dropping to the floor with the 4 second rule (or however many seconds it is).   I cannot protect them from everything but I can do the best that I can and try to.  It is just something that we do............it is something that mothers do and some I even think enjoy doing.  We are maternal and we nurture and that just comes with the territory.

I thought about how the new "bane of my existence" reminded me of my relationship with God and how everything He did for me was just like I would do for my children.  He did these things because I too was His child and He wanted to protect me, offer me great things to benefit my life, love me, guide me, bless and make sure that I was on the right path.  I thought about how much He loved me that He gave His only son to die so that I could live! How amazing is this God of mine that He would do all these things for me, EVENTHOUGH, I am not worth of them all.  I sat back and I smiled because the new 'bane of my existence' could not compare to that of God's but I realized that the true bane of my existence is what I have in Christ and the relationship that we shared.

So continued to wash Liam's bottles and this time I took more pride in what I was doing because there was a greater one out there who did more than I could ever do and does it all because He loves me.

                                                                                          This is a true story...........

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