Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Your heart.....

"Above all else, guard your heart because out of it flows the issues of life" - Proverbs 4:23 

I never knew the depth of what lies in the heart, the mechanical organ that sends blood around the entire body. What would be do if it no longer pumped the blood that we need? What would we do if it decided one day to no longer function in the capacity in which it was designed to function? God has to intricately designed our bodies that every organ, vein, blood vessel and capillary all work with other and when one stops it affects the other and ultimately affects the rest of the body. 

Kinda of why I think He warned us through His word, to guard this special organ, this organ if not treated with care can affect our lives. Our emotional stage is wrapped up in our heart and when our emotions (mood, temperament, disposition and the physical part of it is our nervous system) when we throw that off balance we throw our lives off balance. The very issue that eats at you and stops you from thinking, breathing and even at times living that's the very issue that flows from the heart, the same issue that affects our emotions (nervous system) and eventually consumes us. That's what God speaks of, that thing that you have no control over He tells us to guard our hearts from and just like the gentleman He is, He knows that some of us, like myself, are thinkers, so He leaves us with another instruction.... "cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you" - 1Peter 5:7

I don't know what your heart has been through but mine have been dragged through the trash and stomped on and just when I thought I could not take it anymore, I picked up my pen (well laptop) and I write and as I write I could hear Him, my Savior, calling me, from the depths of my pain into the warmth of His hold. 

Won't you let Him comfort you?? 

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