Thursday, February 26, 2015

The ability to Love without flaw

It's 12:21 pm and I'm having a convo via text message with my sister Deann. We're reminiscing on my children and how God has blessed me with three exceptionally beautiful, yes I know they are boys but beautiful boys. I'm sending her pictures of my second born, prince Noah and I came across a collage of all three of them and I looked at it and began to start which was immediately followed by tears, real LIVE tears, as I looked at each of them at this stage in their life and I am in awe at what the Creator my God has done. 

You see, my life has been no bed of roses and though there have been times that I question God like how could you give me three children, I look at them now and all I could see is God's love for us, HIS children. It takes a certain heart to love and love differnt ppl at once, without flaw or question or bias or any of that. It takes a heart that desires love to love without question and that's what He gave me. No matter where you are now in life you have to know, HEAR ME SAY THAT, you have to know that no matter where you are God still love you and He's never stopped. He's waiting for you to see that just like a mother and a child no Matter what you do in life the love doesn't cHange, so is His love for you.  

So to my son's: Isaiah, Noah and Liam........... No matter where you are in life and no matter where you go, the love that I feel for you can never ever be tainted. You have made me a better woman, a better friend, a better wife, a better mother. You're life is a sheer reflection of God's love for me. You are three strong men, brilliant, integral, men of valor and strength. You are men of your word, steadfast and unmovable in God. You love with your whole heart. Tou are intelligent and wise and favored amongst many. You lead and not follow. You are kind and not judgmental. You are effortless in your ability to speak and you a leader amongst your peers. You gave me the one that no one could take away from me and that is the ability to love you without flaw. I love you with my whole heart


This is a True Story 

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