Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Ever so often i sit down and I think about my life, where I am and where I should be or where I want to be. Never do I think that where I am is where I am suppose to be and God does things in His timing, in His season and for HIS WILL!!!!

I'm sitting here on my couch, crying, YES, crying, at my life, at my "feelings" about my life. At the people in my life. At the hurt in my life and blah blah blah blah 

And like My Savior is, He won't leave me hanging, in the midst of my despair, I hear a still small voice say "God is intentional". Of course I know what intentional means but I grab the dictionary anyway and it says "deliberate, done on purpose, premeditated, purposeful...." 

And immediately the scripture "Before you were formed in your mothers womb I KNEW YOU approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Jeremiah 1:5 AMP

I'm crying again....

Because it's that kind of love that will bring you out. It's that kind of love that sets you apart from someone else. It's that kind of love that is intentional, done on purpose, so premeditated that even if you are at the bottom, the end of the rope, it pulls you out and put you back on the "predestined" path that was already designed for you. 

DONT GIVE UP! Keep fighting. Keep pressing. Keep trusting. "For I know my plans for you, they are GOOD ONLY" He said. 

I still have tears in my eyes but I have faith in my heart so don't judge how you feel as an indicator of where you are. You are NOT your feelings!! 

This is a True Story........


  1. Even with tears in your eyes, you will press forward in God's will and persevere. There are no other options worth taking.

    1. I appreciate you so much. I don't know if there are enough words but just thank you. For being you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Loniece! I'm happy to be used by God and even happier that this was helpful to someone else!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this. Right on time sis. Keep going, keep pushing and keep sharing xoxoxo

    1. Awww my pleasure. Just happy to be a vessel to be used. I won't give up and thank you for your words of encouragement and strength. They mean a lot!! ❤️❤️❤️
